Glistening Glass, an ink inspired by Cinderella’s slipper

Ferritales is a beautiful series of Ferris Wheel Press inks that are characterized by their intensity while drawing inspiration from fairy tales and fables. Glistening Glass refers to the fairy tale of Cinderella, and the ink is supposed to resemble a lost shoe with its color and accents. Are you curious?

Glistening Glass Ink

Glistening Glass debuted on the market in April last year (2023), where it appeared next to the limited edition Brush pen in the same color. The packaging already shows us quite well what color we can expect – gray-blue with gold accessories, exactly as on the box. And I don’t even mean the text, but the visible colors.

Against the background of patterned blue-gray wallpaper, we have a lot of (expensive) gold accessories. A clock showing almost midnight, a large chandelier full of lamps, an hourglass, and candles! An ornate lampshade, hidden perfume bottles, and against the background of an ornate mirror… a golden slipper.

I absolutely love that Ferris Wheel Press boxes are so accurate in showing the colors of the inks inside. They often show them much better than the pictures on the store’s website!

According to the manufacturer’s description, we should see red shading in the ink, but I have to admit that I couldn’t find it when writing. I see blue turning into gray and lots of particles, but the red glow only appears in larger “spots” made with a brush. I couldn’t get a similar effect when writing. You will be able to see it below, in the full photos from the notebooks.

This ink is quite dry but performed very well in the TWSBI Eco pen with the M nib.

For testing, I use two notebooks,  Ottergami: The Pro and  Odyssey Notebook with Tomoe River paper. The first one has thick and creamy pages, and the second one thin and rather slippery, which are better at drawing out the secrets from the pens.

Glistening Glass in Odyssey Notebook with Tomoe River Paper

Impressions:  I have to admit that something didn’t feel right about this set. The ink is dry, and yet it needed a moment to dry. The letters left on the paper are easily visible, and the color seems to be more gray than blue on a slightly creamy background.

During typical writing it is hard to extract particles from it, but… only on this paper. Below, on Ottergami, you will see for yourself, there are many more. So it is not only a matter of the pen or ink, but of the whole set.

The pen with the M nib behaved well, but the dry ink made the line on the paper not look “average” at all. I could easily fit it into a notebook with a tighter ruling – the Odyssey has a typical 5-millimeter dot spacing.

Glistening Glass in Ottergami notebook with classic 150 gsm paper

Impressions:  I have to admit that the paper in the Ottergami notebook suits this ink much better. Especially in the characteristics section, the particles are very clear! The color also seems darker and easier to read. More gray than blue, but still nice and interesting.

Could it be that this is the perfect color for Hufflepuffs?

Manufacturer: Ferris Wheel Press (Canada)
Color: Glistening Glass is a blue-gray ink with gold flecks
Ink: rather dry, although it needs a while to dry.
Sheen: light
Shimmer: gold glitter
Water resistance: very low
Price: 20 ml – EUR 25

This is one of those inks that I quickly put on the shelf. Grey with gold flecks? I had recently come across two other similar Ferritales colors in my diary – Adventure and Blooming Mushroom. Now, however, after giving it a bit more attention, I have to admit that I am pleasantly surprised and it will stay in my pen for a long time.

Glistening Glass isn’t too flashy or difficult to read – so it could easily be an everyday ink, though not boring at all. Just remember that it’s dry, so it’ll need at least an M nib to shine. Literally and figuratively!

Where to buy

Glistening Glass is one of the limited Ferritales colors that came out last year. It is currently unavailable in Polish stores and from the manufacturer, although there is still a chance that it will appear on the shelves again. In recent times, a large number of inks have had their “returns”.

Along with the ink, Ferris Wheel Press also released a Brush fountain pen in the same color. You can find the last pieces in Noteka .

Perfect fit for:

  • Ferris Wheel Press Brush Fountain Pen – Glistening Glass,
  • Lamy Al-Star Azure fountain pen,
  • Leuchtturm notebook in Stone Blue


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