Everyone Should Write a Diary
As you can probably guess, I love writing. Like most people of my generation, at some point in my life, I thought about writing a novel. Although I still have some outlines, and I also have a notebook with ideas for stories, for now, I’m focusing on writing in other places.

The Complete Guide to Cognitive Surplus’ Notebooks
If you’ve ever taken a look at the Cognitive Surplus website, you know there’s a lot going on in the notebook category. How can you find the perfect one for your needs? Our guide should help. Beautiful covers are a given at Cognitive Surplus.

Glistening Glass, an ink inspired by Cinderella’s slipper
Ferritales is a beautiful series of Ferris Wheel Press inks that are characterized by their intensity while drawing inspiration from fairy tales and fables. Glistening Glass refers to the fairy tale of Cinderella, and the ink is supposed to resemble a lost shoe with its color and accents.

Review: Bomo Soft – Bomo Art Softcover Notebook
Remember how we looked at the flagship notebook from Hungarian Bomo Art a few months ago? It’s time for its younger brother, Bomo Soft, a soft-cover notebook. I can also say right away that I like it much more.